Global Spay Neuter Campaign

Laws We Encourage

Breed Specific Rescues or Sanctuaries in your area, please bring them to mention in your portfolio. If you can, please get them to participate in the Campaign even if you have them mentioned in your portfolio. IF they do not wish to participate (hoping that is highly unlikely) , then inquire about the number of intakes they have received annually - how many have been adopted and how many remain in care - without forever homes.... this information is essential to laws we wish to see stated in stone, concerning the number of pups that are permitted annually and the number of times one may breed a female (we are asking for only ONE litter a year after the age of one year old and only for the following 3 yrs thereafter. 
.... it pains me to say that - however, with the Freedom of Speech and Human Rights - even this will create an uproar amongst breeders - we need to bring forward educational material to demonstrate the seriousness of their actions, to gain their support... breeding is a major part of this problem and no one has the RIGHT to birth animals that will end up in shelters of breed specific rescues - no one has the right to inflict pregnancy, the pain of birthing and the possible diseases that concurs due to breeding - on any animal!)