Global Spay Neuter Campaign

Campaign Layout   --  see documents here

The Global Campaign is targeted for the week of March 5th - March 12th 2011.
The Objective is to Obtain ONE Million Spays or Neuters Around the World During the Week's Campaign.
Due to the magnitude and volume of tasks that need to be accomplished for the Campaign to be a success, everyone who believes in spaying and neutering - is needed.  Pet Owners, Everyday People - we have a task for you!   Shelters/Rescues/Animal Control Facilities, we need your stats and want you to use the stats of others as endorsements globally, in lobbying your governments for change.

Each participant is in charge of their own campaign, we simply ask that it is recognized as an effort put on as the Global Spay Neuter Campaign.
Posters are important - get out as many as you can, so that the public takes notice as to where and when the low cost clinic(s) will be taking place, so they may book their appointments in advance!
The Documents section offers pdf format "birthing trees" of dogs and cats, that may be used for the campaign or you may have a local artist create your own - again, we ask that you give credit to the Global Spay Neuter Campaign.

All number counts, via signatures of public support and spays/neuters, by state/province/county and Country, will be added to an open data base and recorded for future use by those needing the research or to assist with rallying local governments for change.

To Start:  Each Org/Shelter/Rescue/Animal Control Facility  is in charge of organizing their campaign and we hope to see a Portfolio (optional)
All participants should create a portfolio that defines Facts, Education, Evidence and Statistics within their area - this is what the facebook group is for - so we may all contribute to the accumulation of data. We want people and governments to take a seat with a no flaw data base that is undeniable.

Portfolios can be based on a specific shelter you work for, your locality, state/province or even your country.
** - If you work for a shelter/rescue, data is required that specifies the number of intakes monthly and resumed to annually. The same goes for the numbers of euthanasia of your intakes.
** - If possible (please try!!) to attain the costs entailed by euthanasia.
** - If possible (usually public information if government run on tax payers money - even if the agency is contracted out) the cost of maintaining the center or agency - monthly and annually. * this includes cost of employees, management, utilities, food supplies, cleaning materials, maintenance, building or land taxes, basic medical, vet fees etc....
** - If you are basing your portfolio on your locality/state/province, you are encouraged to work together with others - working in numbers shows the public and governments that the seriousness is backed by numbers.... they can turn away one or even 10, but when recognition is acknowledged by 40 - 50 throughout every state or province - it`s pretty hard to turn your back on such a multitude - even if it isn`t an election year.
** - Public Support: this is just as important and over the next while, it shouldn`t be too hard to gain public support - this can be achieved through placing the signature form on your front desk that encourages signatures that endorse the need for Spaying and Neutering as opposed to Euthanasia caused by companion animal population.
Ask local restaurants, grocery store and other general public places, if you can place one on their counter, window or viewable area where people will notice it and take a sec to sign...

VET PARTICIPATION: (if you can obtain this information prior to launch, please add the names of participating Vets to your Portfolio - so that they are recognized, bringing further awareness and numbers to the Campaign)

* - Inform your local Vets of your role in the Campaign. Ask if they may contribute to your data!
* - How many are euthanized annually due to sickness that may have been caused due to possible inter-breeding.
* - How many Clients request a Spay or Neuter (how many spay-neuters does the vet do a year) and the cost of Spaying and Neutering (with shots)
* - Now for the tough part, this is not required immediately, you do not want to overwhelm the Vets on your first request - if you know the Vet, then fire away....
* - Ask if the Vet would participate in the Global Campaign by offering cost reduced spay and neuters for let`s say, at least 2 DAYS within the week of the Campaign!! Three days or even the whole week would be great, but start with at LEAST 2 days of the Campaign.... you can make arrangements to assist with Posters to promote the cost reduced Spay-Neuters and placements around your locality to promote the bookings of the Spay-Neuters. IF there are only 10 appointments for locals to spay or neuter during that time, then so be it, but as we all know, it will hinder the birthing of thousands of unwanted animals - it`s a start!
PLEASE NOTE: if you can encourage several vets to participate for even 2 days of the Campaign, then you should create a Poster that names all the Vets that are participating, their contact numbers and the cost - these Posters should be up for public viewing at least 3-4 weeks prior to the Campaign to notify people of the cost reduction. This gives people ample time to put the funding aside, according to their budget, in preparation.
ALSO: Vets who participate in the Campaign, will be recognized and named in a special edition done in PDF format - there will be another board dedicated to all or any Vets who participate so that their names can be accumulated and placed in the document.
MEDIA: see more about Media Here....
- Contact your local media and inquire what is needed for them to participate - because this is a non profit effort, try to assure that the media you will receive is cost free and done in article form. This should also bring about attention to your business and your services!
Media announcements or articles should be published no sooner than 3 weeks prior to the Campaign launch and no later than 2 weeks in advance... try to assure your placement as such in co-operation with your local media.

** - It is highly recommended that once the Campaign is over, you ask your local Media to do a follow up - one that announces the number of Spay and Neuters that were accomplished and making special note to the kindness and generosity of participating Vets - this is to wind down from the Campaign and is a reminder to people the importance of Spaying and Neutering.
** - Animal Abuse - while we are all disappointed in the many cases of animal abuse, it is important that we stick solely to the stats of cases that entail euthanasia of rescue/shelter animals - Moms and her Pups or Kittens or simply cases that evolve around Pups or Kittens - to demonstrate that the abused animals would not be a reality - if - they hadn`t been born.....

In summary, each portfolio should effectively touch base with all the issues that evolve from unwanted births and be seen as an encouragement to hinder birthing.

Visual or Imagery is also important - we do not want to condition people or make them immune - but we do want to create a visual that will keep popping back into their mind, that motivates them or leaves an uncomfortable feeling. Our objective with this technique is to - horrify people - yes, I said horrify because it is absolutely horrifying!!!! Reality sucks and that`s exactly what we will present - the reality of all the killing, the full cages, the lack of homes due to population.

When an animal has been abandoned, or surrendered, there has been a break down in the relationship between that animal and it's people. We want people to think before getting a pet and we want to offer advice on problems that arise between pet guardians and their pets - a section will be added shortly...
Visit for videos we'll be using for Visual Effects (some date back to 1988!!)

Remember, There are millions out there who don`t even like animals! (or will feel their rights have been hindered - the Volunteers Guide offers tips to assist with challenges)
They don`t want to hear that their tax paying dollars are being spent on supporting the killing of animals - so let`s hit home with this - your suggestions and ideas are encouraged, so please add to the group - when your data is available.

Let`s work together and make this as easy as possible in our busy routines - thanks for your time.....